Monday, September 2, 2013

Hiatus: Farewell Letter

For the time being, Speechless is officially on hiatus. There has been a lot of good and bad RP that's happened and I at one point wanted to write out some very key points that had happened during the course in GW2.

For the time I must wander and do a few other things in real life that desperately need tending too.

For those who know me in game and out; you will probably see me still wandering around every now and then - feel free to toss me a hello.

For now; I leave you with Maranari's farewell to Abranka.


My Dearest Abranka;

Though I know we've come a long way and now we must go our own, I don't think I ever really got to tell you how thankful I really was. Through our adventures in Tyria, and TRW to QI you have taught me so much.

Not just taught, but given me so much. With our new ways - it pains me to seperate but it is really the best thing to do. You have so much promise in you, so much potential I can see it and I have held you back.

With everything that has happened in the past, the Priory Work, your newfound sister, and now brother-n-law the growth in QI and those around you. I couldn't imagine how everything became such an emotional rollercoaster.

You saved me from my parents, you helped me become stronger, you gave me a voice, you gave me love. All in which I tried to repay in turn and failed. I wanted to give you everything, be with you where you went, even hoped for the child we had lost. We've been through so much, and yet over time we couldn't keep things together.

I wanted to give you some closure, as our seperation was not the smoothest. And I wanted to thank you for giving me everything and more.

And though I hope you do not take this the wrong way, I will always love you - it is an unconditional love that has been implanted in my heart. You have touched me so deeply that you are an Asura I will never forget.

I do want to stay in contact, perhaps we will meet in Lion's Arch one day, or somewhere out in the blue. I do not expect us to re-kindle any fire we once had, only to hold the warmth and not let it ice over. Please do not be afraid to be in touch with me, though I know we will need time to heal. I want to stay friends, and I would hope one day return to QI as a Representation of the Priory.

I hope the Eternal Alchemy favors you, enlightens you and shines on your genius.

Forever Maranari


I want to give thanks to the people who touched my heart in RP, may your adventures be epic, and your loot bountiful. I hope you don't forget me, and I hope that I will return.